4 idées pour améliorer sa confiance en soi

confiance naturel


En interrogeant les gens de toutes générations, sexes, et statuts sociaux, sur ce qu’ils pensaient être leur problème le plus récurrent dans la vie de tous les jours. Celui qui l’emporta fut la « confiance en soi ».

Nous savons tous que le manque de confiance en soi nous brique ou bloque pour aller de l’avant, prendre des décisions ou encore réaliser ses rêves. Toutefois nous sommes peu à prendre le temps qu’il faut pour s’y focaliser et l’améliorer cette confiance. Et pourtant cette croyance et émotion, composés de modèles de pensée développés au cours du temps, peut être une véritable passerelle qui peut vous permettre pleins de chose: trouver l’amour, réussir votre entreprise, obtenir un diplôme, vous défendre contre ceux qui vous intimident, défendre vos propres intérêt, créer de meilleurs relations, obtenir plus de respect ….et surtout arrêter de gâcher votre vie.


Mais d’où vient vraiment la confiance en soi? Pourquoi est-ce que certains en ont plus que d’autres?

On peut la décrire simplement comme une mesure des modèles de pensée sur soi, qui évolue ou se développent au fil du temps. Ces schémas produisent des sentiments qui influencent des décisions et actions.

La plupart des gens voient cela comme une croyance positive et à l’émotion. Dans la société, les gens préfèrent ceux qui ont confiance en eux, comme si il y avait un magnétisme lié à cet état.

Nous percevons les gens confiants comme plus heureux, et cela nous donne envie d’en tirer une part. Nous les voyons comme ceux qui doublent sans cesse d’amour-propre et ont une haute estime d’eux-mêmes qui inspire le respect, voire donne envie de suivre comme modèle. Nous voyons ces gens confiants comme ceux n’ayant pas peur de prendre des risques et, plus important encore, font des choix importants dans leur vie pour vivre leur vie.

La plupart d’entre nous veulent améliorer cette confiance en soi, mais le plus souvent dans le mauvais sens. Serait-ce à cause de croyance ou connaissances erronés ?

Que ce soit la société ou notres propres expériences qui nous ai conditionné avec ces idées fausses, je vous expliquerai ici quels sont ces mythes à éviter d appliquer dorénavant, afin de réellement gagner de la confiance en vous.


1.Attendre d’avoir suffisamment confiance pour agir


C’est une des erreurs que l’on entend le plus souvent, que chacun a cru devoir appliquer à un moment, et encore maintenant pour beaucoup d’entre nous.

La parole en public

Je prend mon exemple, plus jeune, j’appréciais l’enseignement, débattre, je ressentais souvent l’envie de m’exprimer, je ne me sentais pas assez confiant pour parler en public, projeter ma voix et parler réellement devant un groupe. J’ai donc rien fait car l’idee​ de me mettre en avant me terrifiait.

Ce n’est que lorsque je me suis forcé à prendre l’initiative de parler devant différents publics que j’ai été capable de finalement commencer à ébrécher ma peur.

Les premières fois, c’était beaucoup de stress. Juste avant de parler, des centaines de pensées me traversaient, comme, « Et si les gens me pense bizarre? » … « Et si personne ne m’ écoute ? », ou encore « Et si je me ridiculise?  »

Quand je me préparait à parler, je ne pouvais même pas regarder les gens, je baissais les yeux et regardais le texte. Je sentais mes oreilles tourner vraiment chaud et sentir mon battement de cœur plus rapidement. Cela a continué plusieurs fois.

Cependant, une fois fini de parler je ressentais beaucoup de détente, avec un gros soulagement parce que c’était fini et je n’était pas si mauvais que ce que j’imaginais.

A chaque fois, j’ai réalisé que toutes les peurs et les «si» que j’accumulais dans mon esprit avant de parler, ne se produisait pas. Les gens ont été agréables et m’ont soutenu, bien entendu pas tout le monde, mais on ne retient que le positif. J’ai été donc agréablement surpris!

Après avoir répété  cette action de m’exprimer encore et encore j’ai été en mesure de développer rapidement ma confiance dans ce domaine.

Morale de l’histoire: En affrontant mes craintes et en agissant, j’ai été en mesure de construire une forte confiance. Je veux que vous sachiez que je n’aurais jamais gagné cette confiance si j’avais attendu d’avoir confiance. Ça ne marche pas comme ça.

Combien de fois êtes-vous rester assis dans une réunion voulant parler, mais en retenant parce que vous attendez jusqu’au jour où vous vous sentez plus confiant pour parler? Encore une fois, le problème avec cette mentalité est que, si vous ne parlez pas réellement lorsque vous n’êtes pas prêt, vous ne gagnerez jamais la confiance que vous recherchez. La confiance se développera après vous être jeté à l’eau, quel que soit la situation, et continuera à augmenter à mesure que vous répéterez l’action.

Rappelez-vous, pour éviter ce mythe à partir de maintenant, prendre l’action et juste le faire quand vous n’êtes pas prêt. Faites-le quand il se sent mal à l’aise. Forcez-vous à le faire si vous savez que l’action sera bon pour vous dans le long terme. Rincer et répéter.

La confiance est à comparer avec la zone de confort, plus vous sortirez de cette bulle plus cette bulle s’élargira.

En pratique, pensez à une chose que vous avez remis à plus tard, faites le maintenant sans réfléchir, ça pourra changer le cours de votre vie.


Deuxième cas de figure :  «Quand je serai comme ceci » ou «j’aurai cela »ou« je serai en condition pour ceci» alors je le ferai.

Combien d’entre nous se sont déjà dit: «Quand j’aurai les conditions pour, je me lancerai» ou: «je dois surmonter certains problèmes pour me lancer enfin dans ce projet  »

Il n’y a rien de mal à se fixer des objectifs conditionnels, mais en procédant ainsi on se met à l’écart de ce que l’on veut vraiment, par manque confiance en soi.

De nos jours, en raison des médias sociaux et du soucis de l’image que l’on donne, un modèle de pensée commune en vogue d’aujourd’hui est vouloir voir les choses d’une certaine façon avant de s ‘engager. Voire même de croire que l’on doit voir les choses d’une certaine façon pour se sentir légitime à être aimer.

En réalité nous utilisons ces excuses pour remettre les actions au lendemain et ne pas s’engager. Nous ne reconnaissons peut-être pas que nous avons peu confiance en nous. Nous blâmons notre incapacité à agir, et nous refusons d’admettre que tout se résume à notre faible confiance en soi.

Le problème avec l’exemple ci-dessus n’est pas que vous voulez un avenir meilleur, mais que vos croyances négatives sur votre personne et vos qualités actuel ont un impact sur votre confiance et vous freine à poursuivre une relation avec  quelqu’un que vous aimez.

La première étape consiste à reconnaître que votre jugement sur vous-même peut ne pas être la réalité, et encore moins la réalité que les autres voient en vous.

L’étape suivante est de réaliser que votre négativité provient d’une faible confiance en soi. Si ce n’était pas le cas, alors comment y a t-il des gens qui ont en tout point moins de qualités que vous et qui pourtant réussisse à mieux plaire ? Qu’est-ce qui les distingue de vous?

C’est probablement leur confiance en eux et leur propre estime de soi. Ce qu’ils croient d’eux-mêmes a beaucoup à voir avec la façon dont les autres les perçoivent.

Quand quelqu’un se sent confiant, ils ne permet aucune excuse pour atteindre un objectif ou séduire quelqu’un. Cette approche ultra confiante à la vie est attrayante pour beaucoup, et plus encore, c’est plus l’attitude confiante que le regard qui capture l’attention et séduit la plupart du temps.

Beaucoup d’entre nous cherchons des excuses d’attente d’avoir les conditions idéales pour se lancer enfin dans nos objectifs ou courir après nos rêves. Certes, parfois il peut y avoir des contraintes de temps ou financières , mais cela n’empêche pas d’agir dès maintenant. Vous devez pouvoir trouver des contournements ou déjà préparer certaines étapes .

Attendre le bon moment pour agir est la pire chose que vous pouvez faire. Nous sommes nombreux à croire en cette stratégie, mais en réalité il n’y a jamais d’ «état parfait». Même sans avoir vraiment  confiance en vous, il vous suffit de vous lancer et d’être déterminé.

Rappelez-vous, la confiance est le résultat d’un succès, ça se gagne.



Ma valeur personnelle est directement liée à mon physique et à mon revenu

La société nous a conditionnés pour placer une importance malsaine sur ces deux aspects, et nous voyons une société où les gens ne se font plus confiance, de plus en plus de divorces, de dépressions voire de suicide.

Nous aimons regarder certaines personnes, non seulement en raison de l’esthétique et le plaisir de nos yeux en tirer, mais à cause de ce que nous leur associons. On pense souvent en voyant quelqu’un avec une belle apparence qu’il est probablement très populaire, aimé, mieux considéré, et qu’il peut obtenir certains raccourcis dans la vie grâce à son apparence, physique et vestimentaire.

Nous associons tous ces avantages sociaux positifs à quelqu’un qui a bonne mine et / ou beaucoup d’argent. Il nous donne envie d’être autour d’eux ou d’être plus comme eux afin que nous puissions profiter des mêmes avantages perçus.

Etre riche et en bonne forme physique sont de grandes choses, et peut rendre heureux. Il n’y a rien de mal à travailler dur pour devenir riche ou avoir le corps que vous voulez. Ce sont des améliorations à votre vie, et vous pouvez les apprécier.

Cependant, ces deux choses ne sont pas tout, et votre estime de soi n’a absolument rien à voir avec votre apparence et combien vous avez.

Votre estime de soi vient de l’image que vous avez de vous même, en tant que personne. Cette image doit provenir de votre caractère, de votre personnalité, de vos forces, de vos faiblesses, de vos compétences, de votre détermination, de votre motivation, de votre sens de l’humour, de votre empathie, de votre contribution, de votre créativité etc ….

En général ces croyances viennent de notre propre famille et amis, non pas par méchanceté, mais surement par ignorance, en priorisant les mauvaises choses, ou peut-être par un cycle d’auto perpétuation des mythes de confiance en soi transmis de génération en génération.

Une chose que j’ai appris, cependant, est que si vous étiez une personne généralement heureux avant d’avoir ces deux avantages, vous deviendrez une personne encore plus heureuse après que vous les obtenez. Si vous étiez une personne misérable avant, ce sera très probablement pire après. L’argent et les regards ne seront jamais qui vous êtes, rappelez-vous cela.



La confiance en soi est un long processus, qui prend plusieurs années

Une grande confiance en soi prend de nombreuses années, voire une vie à atteindre….c’est un mythe. En réalité, c’est plus la fréquence de vos  actions ou expérience, qui développera votre confiance plus ou moins vite.

Si vous voulez être plus confiant lorsque vous parlez pour la première fois à quelqu’un, vous devez vous y coller, assez souvent et surtout quand vous ne voulez pas. Si vous faites cela 10 fois en quelques jours , le résultat sera le même qu’au bout d’un an.



Certaines personnes sont nées confiantes. C’est un don que l’on obtient pas par la pratique.

Vous avez déjà vu quelqu’un de très sur de lui, dont la confiance rayonne autour de lui, vous savez qu’il obtient le respect sans effort! Dès lors vous ne pouvez vous empêcher de vous comparer : «Il est surement né confiant . C’est dans son ADN. L’exercice n’y changera rien, c’est la chance, une bonne étoile. »

Ceci est complètement faux !!

Quand on grandit c’est la façon dont on réagit et les choix que l’on fait qui influent sur la confiance. La confiance en soi est un cercle vertueux d’expériences positives que l’on choisit de vivre et de pratique répétitive de compétences propres.

Construire une confiance en soi demande surement  d’avoir de bons modèles et de bons soutiens, un enfant peut aussi avoir son importance, mais d’autres moyens sont possible. En tout cas développer sa confiance peut se faire à tout âge et partout, vous pouvez décider de vous améliorer dès maintenant. J

Vous pouvez décider être cette personne qui entre débarque quelque part en rayonnant, celui qui force un certain respect, celui que l’on ne regarde pas de haut. Il vous faudra donc croire d’abord que c’est possible, et ensuite vous exercer à de nombreuses reprises.

Exercice : Pensez à une personne que vous croyez est extrêmement confiant. Chaque fois que vous interagissez avec quelqu’un ou sortir, modèle de cette personne et faire semblant d’être aussi confiant que lui. Ne compliquez pas trop, il suffit de penser et d’agir comment cette personne serait dans n’importe quelle situation sociale – même lorsque vous êtes seul.

Plus vous faites cela, plus vous développerez naturellement votre propre confiance en soi. Très bientôt, vous ne serez pas la modélisation de quelqu’un d’autre, et la transition vers devenir la version la plus confiante de vous.

The main injuries in tennis


The main injuries in tennis

Are injuries inevitably accompanying professional tennis players? Do they get injured more now than before? There are several reasons why this theory could be true: the current style of play is much more intense and faster; the calendar is extensive and very demanding, and tennis players lengthen their careers much more than before.


The truth is that, surely, injury is an almost inevitable companion of the professional athlete. That is why prevention work is so important. Young athletes must be educated on this subject and must become aware that it is daily work, a habit that they must acquire from the very first moment.


How can they work to try to prevent them? The first thing is to understand that injury prevention is multidisciplinary work. The coach, physical trainer, doctor, physiotherapist, osteopath, podiatrist, nutritionist, and even the supplier of sports and technical equipment must work in coordination.


We can include all this preventive work in 5 main areas:


Medical control: It is essential to perform a complete medical check-up every year, with medical examination, blood tests, spirometry, electrocardiogram, kinanthropometry, podiatric study, functional assessment. All this helps us to assess the state of health and physical capabilities of each tennis player in order to program optimal workloads.


Nutrition: Proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in creating healthy habits and improving sports performance. Especially, if we deal with growing youngsters, adding to their own energetic needs of development, the needs of sportswear.


Technique: Given a large number of repetitions of strokes in each training session and match, we need each gesture to be technically efficient to avoid overload injuries. It is important to control the load of matches and training and make the young tennis player understand that rest is part of the training.


Physical preparation: The basis of physical preparation should be aimed at performing compensatory exercises to seek the balance of the musculoskeletal system. Of course, an adequate warm-up is mandatory before the effort, as well as stretching after the effort, which will help us to a better muscular recovery.


Material: The use of inadequate and non-individualized material (footwear, racquet) can be the cause of many injuries. It is essential to be advised by a professional before buying.



Here is a compilation of the most common injuries in tennis, as well as preventive treatments for each of them, the symptoms, and the necessary treatment in case of suffering them.


Tennis elbow : the most famous injurie

It is a repetitive pain in the external part of the elbow when hitting the backhand, volley, and the rest, especially when the wrist is in a bad position. It is an overuse injury due to repeated microtraumas. It appears in people over 30 years old, with few, initiated or intense weekend players. The incorrect technique or inadequate equipment.


Symptoms: pain appears in the lateral region of the elbow, punctual in the epicondyle, or radiating towards the forearm or arm. It disappears during the game and reappears after the game. It increases until it makes daily life gestures such as shaking hands impossible.


Preventive treatment of this injurie: it is recommended to use a large racket, with flexible material, avoiding vibration. Weight no more than 360gr and gut or synthetic strings. Good basic physical preparation. Progressive training and a good warm-up. Correct nutrition and hydration. Adequate stretching of the flexor and extensor muscles (with the elbow stretched). Never play with wet balls.


Treatment: Rest (active), exercise without situations that lead to pain, avoid backhand. Heat, ice, massages in different modalities. Infiltration in extreme cases, and if there are no results surgery.


Tendinitis of the wrist


It is seen in the non-dominant hand by the two-handed backhand especially in girls and young people who have very flexible tendons and musculature. They are usually patients with very lax musculature. Caused by repeated microtraumas.


Symptoms: pain and inflammation.

Preventive treatment: not to take hours and hours of exercises in volleys, not flexions in the floor with flat hands, they stretch a lot of the tendons. Not to make many exercises of backhand to two hands lifted. It is recommended to play forehand, use the dominant hand for the backhand and make simple shots at the net. Strengthen wrist.


Treatment: Rest, ice, massage. Strengthen by bringing the thumb to the face. Playing with a wrist brace allows the backhand to be crossed because it helps the wrist not to make such an abrupt movement in the accompaniment.


Rotator cuff or tennis shoulder


The dominant shoulder is lower than the non-dominant shoulder. They touch more easily on one side of the back than on the other. Usually, on the right, they touch both hands in the back. The biggest risk factor is the biomechanics of the throw, especially if you throw a lot and do not rest enough.


Symptoms: shoulder pain.

Preventive treatment: Exercises to avoid: serve, spike, high topspin forehand, high far volleys. Bad gym exercises: front raises, lateral raises, pectorals. Good gym exercises: internal rotation and wall push-ups, saw movements, weight lifting, external rotation saw.



Rest, no pulling, ice, massage, flexibility, strengthening. It is essential to stretch the shoulders since one of them, above all, is contracted. The best ones are triceps in front of the face and back, never pectoral as it destabilizes the shoulder even more.


Achilles tendinitis

It is a frequent affection mainly in runners, jumpers, basketball players, and tennis players. About 25% is bilateral and affects more men.


Symptoms: morning numbness, even lameness that takes time to disappear. Presence of nodules, transverse striations or granulations on palpation of the tendon.


Preventive treatment: Causes: training on hard floors such as parquet floors, quick, cement, etc. Excessively intense running, long daily walks. Shoes are in poor condition, especially if they are very worn out. Anomalies in the statics of the foot. Prevention: correct footwear, without sole or heel wear. Training on soft ground. Dietary adjustments especially hydric. Use of insoles if necessary.


Treatment: Essential rest, correction of static anomalies, use of a heel pad, physiotherapy.


Injury of the internal calf, leg of tennis or tennis Leg.

This is a total or partial tear or muscle disinsertion of the inner calf. It occurs when the knee is extended and the ankle in dorsal flexion the triceps sural contracts. This occurs in tennis in the service and the net when returning a volley that is not easily reached. More frequent in people over 40 years of age, mainly due to lack of adequate stretching and warm-up.


Symptoms: the tennis player feels a strong pain like a « stone ». Sometimes a hematoma appears quickly and retraction of the muscular end.

Treatment: Necessary application of ice and rest of the area. Depending on severity can be immobilized in the first few days. Only when it is an extensive break or complete disinsertion is sewn. The tendency is to immobilize with a bootie and wait 4-6 weeks for good scarring. Then gradually electrotherapy, stretching, and massage.


Preventive treatment: prevention by avoiding fatigue, convalescence, climatic conditions (cold), environment, absence of heating, not wearing adequate protective clothing during training, prolonged use of shoes with studs or spikes.


Ingrown toenail

Preventive treatment: loose-fitting shoes, never wear tight socks. Careful foot hygiene. Cut the nails regularly, at least once a week, and cut them straight. Trim nails if they are thick. If ingrown toenails appear, the bacterial infection can invade the cuticles and cause great discomfort.


Treatment: drain infections, keep the area dry, local antiseptics or antibiotic powders. Surgery if problems persist. In general, the nail wedge or the entire nail is removed.


Blisters and corns

They are formed by the friction of the layers of the skin before appearing in red. It must be well hydrated and protected. They usually appear at the beginning of the season. Effective cleaning, soap, and water, dry well especially at night, creams rich in glycerin.


Stress fractures

They are infrequent in sports practice but are injuries that occur due to overuse. Stress fractures are the result of a rapid increase in the pace of training. When the muscles become tired, the bone is subjected to more stress. Suspect them in the knowledge of overuse, hypersensitivity in the fracture zone. In x-rays, a small notch is appreciated in the tibia, in members. More frequent in young people because their bones are weaker.


Other common tennis injuries


lumbar injuries in tennis

The tennis stroke requires the whole body to be effective and powerful, from the soles of the feet to the racquet hitting area. This also includes the lower back, which often makes a ballistic rotational movement.


The vertebrae in the lumbar region are not designed for a wide range of rotational motion, which can damage the facet joints or even the disc due to the shear forces that occur at this level.


Carpal Tunnel

Continued pressure on the racquet handle, coupled with hours of hitting, can injure the carpal tunnel. This ligament of the wrist is a highly sensitive area due to the passage of the

nerve bundle. The median nerve in its passage under the carpal tunnel can be compressed, giving symptoms such as tingling, changes in insensitivity, and even functional impotence.


As we have seen throughout the article, there are different injuries in tennis as it is a complex sport with enormous physical demands, which means that it requires good physical preparation and prevention with physiotherapy sessions.

Les meilleurs sites de rencontres amicales


Les meilleurs sites de rencontres amicales

Voici les sites francophones les plus intéressants pour se faire des amis , ceux qui permettent le plus concrètement de créer des amitiés, en y relatant leurs avantages et inconvénients respectifs…


OVS , On Va Sortir : le sites populaire de sortie

Un de pionniers voire le pionnier en France dans le thèmes des rencontres amicales, mais davantage axé sur les sorties. Le site qui a gardé son interface d’origine, peu pratique sur mobile mais reste relativement facile d’utilisation. Le site propose de lancer des sorties par thème, divisé en sous domaines pour chaque ville, il faut donc s’inscrire une nouvelle fois pour chaque ville où l’on souhaite sortir. Le concept et le site est très intéressant et efficace pour sortir, la moyenne d’âge des membres dépasse la quarantaine mais il y a aussi des jeunes. En ce qui concerne Paris , le site est désormais en mode gratuit et payant, le mode gratuit ne permet pas de créer des sorties mais seulement de s’y inscrire, les anciens membres gardent leur privilège, un système plutôt qualitatif. On peut créer tout types de sorties mais on ne maitrise pas les membres qui rejoigne, un système de points permet de récompenser les membres respectueux et de sanctionner ceux qui ne respectent pas leurs engagement. On peut donc y faire de nouveaux amis à travers des passion en communs mais c’est moins évident pour créer des liens solides, en effet une grande partie des membres cherchent seulement à sortir à une fréquence élevé , croiser des gens différents, créer des communautés. Si vous êtes plutôt plutôt introverti, vous pourrez participer à des sorties en petit comité, mais ça vous sera plus difficile de vous faire de vraies amitiés, la majorité des membres étant extravertis et frivoles. Toutefois ça reste un site très utile pour se changer les idées et sortir de chez soi sans prise de tête.



A première vue on dirait pas un site de rencontres amicales mais c’est trompeur car il y a 2 parties non indissociables, un blog sur l’environnement et l’amitié et une interface de rencontres amicales. Entièrement gratuit , le site se différencient des autres sites de rencontre amicales par sa simplicité d’utilisation et son ergonomie tous support, on peut créer rapidement son profil et parcourir les annonces par régions. En ce qui concerne les rencontres amicales, l’avantages du site est sa simplicité et sa compréhension des besoin de beaucoup gens, rencontrer un ami réellement sans se dissiper inutilement dans des forums de discussion virtuelles, ne pas s’enliser dans des pertes de temps et se décourager à force, mettre la priorité à l’amitié réelle pour s’entraider et moins dépendre de la société de consommation. Le site existe depuis peu, son point faible est le nombres d’inscrit qui est encore moindre par rapport aux 2 plus gros sites ( OVS et faire-des-amis)  mais il connait une croissance rapide de son nombre d’inscrits




Site de rencontre amicales réservé aux femmes, le concept peut paraitre discriminant mais il suffit de voir l’acharnement dont font l’objet les femmes sur les sites normaux de rencontres amicales ou les forums dédié à l’amitié, l’état de la misère sexuel en France est tel qu’il est extrêmement compliqué pour un femme de séparer le bon grain de l’ivraie, pire encore s’il elle est jolie, la grande majorité des hommes qui la contacte ont un besoin sous jacent à assouvir et espère arriver à leurs fins par l’intermédiaire de l’amitié, ce qui est évidement frustrant pour les femmes mais aussi les hommes qui recherche seulement de l’amitié et qui sont ignorés.

Le site est plutôt bien construit , avec des annonces et des catégories, et ressence un nombre important de femmes inscrites cherchant à faire de simples rencontres amicales entre femmes.


Faire des amis

Un des sites avec le plus d’inscrits et paradoxalement assez peu pratique pour trouver des amis. Le site est gratuit en restreint en encouragent de plus en plus les inscrits à souscrire à la version payante. Il y a un module de recherche de membres comme dans les sites de rencontre et un forum de discussion qui sert d’annonces amicales, mais on s’y perd car bon nombre de discussion restent dans le but d’interagir virtuellement seulement, la plupart des thèmes sont des confession sur la solitude que ressentent les gens, sentiment qui grandit d’autant plus avec les récents confinements. Pour rencontrer réellement les gens ça devient plus compliqué et on obtient en général assez peu de réponses les annonces se perdent dans le flot des nombreux sujets de discussion. De plus la navigation laisse à désirer avec des pages très chargés en widgets et en pub. Le site ressemble davantage à un groupe Facebook qu’un site pour faire de vrais rencontres amicales.


Is tennis a sport for rich people ?


Is tennis a sport for rich people ?

Tennis is a racket sport played on a rectangular court, delimited by lines and divided by a net. It is played between two players or between two pairs.


The object of the game is to throw a ball by hitting it with the racquet so that it bounces on the other court past the net within the limits of the opponent’s court, making sure that the opponent cannot return it in order to get a second bounce on the ground and thus a point.


It originated in Europe at the end of the 18th century and initially spread throughout the English-speaking countries, especially among their upper classes. Today tennis has become universal, and is played in almost every country in the world. Since 1926, with the creation of the first tour, it has been a professional sport.


There are many skills necessary for this game but I will summarize them in 8:


  • Competitiveness, the hunger to win is key.
  • Motivation, without it we can easily lose.
  • Concentration, it is a sport that requires a lot of focus.
  • Resolving ability, it is a fast game that requires mental speed.
  • Physical fitness, talking mainly about health and general condition.
  • Balance, since each shot is very complex at a physical level.
  • Coordination, between each part of the body with the elements.
  • Reading the game, both at the operational level and at the emotional level of the opponent.


Tennis is a wonderful sport, it has great health benefits for those who practice it and it is beautiful in the eyes of the spectator. However, there has always been a belief that it can only be practiced by wealthy people and it is usually labeled as « elitist ». This idea is based on the high cost of equipment, courts and private lessons. However, there are several stories of people who have risen from poverty and succeeded. This article aims to address the issue of poverty in tennis and contribute a grain of sand to the eradication of this stereotype.


When a person wants to learn to play tennis, he or she needs certain things that are basic: a racquet, balls and a court. When these items are of good quality and in good condition, the tennis player is more likely to optimize his game, that is, while the implements are in better condition, the learning process can be facilitated a little. Training with old balls is not the same as training with newly opened balls, and all of us who have ever played this discipline know this.


The problem arises when a person who earns little income sets out to learn to play, the high costs that can represent the training process often « intimidate » these people. However, the hardest part comes at the moment of finding a place to practice or play, since the acquisition of rackets and balls is a one-time expense, while the use of a private court is a constant investment that merits a considerable cost. The most viable solution for this, is the construction of places subsidized by the state, by a private company or a community where you can play for free, or at least, have the possibility to play without being a member of a club by paying per hour of court at an affordable price, that’s right, public courts can solve this problem!


However, these sports areas do not seem to be part of the government’s priorities. When we examine this situation in most Spanish-speaking countries we can see that these places are scarce, for example in Spain there are very few free courts and low-income people usually play in sports centers or places open to the public but where you have to pay.

In countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela the situation is the same, there are not many free courts and low-income people tend to prefer more « accessible » sports such as soccer or basketball.

Despite all this, history has given us great players who came out of a difficult economic situation and triumphed in tennis.


Is tennis a rich sport?

To say that this discipline is not expensive is like trying to cover the sun with a finger, however tennis is like life itself, sometimes it puts obstacles in our way that we must learn to overcome and from which we have to strengthen ourselves. There are thousands of other stories in which the protagonists do not have the necessary resources and in the relentless pursuit of self-improvement they find alternatives that help them to get ahead.


We can watch matches in private and public courts, in both places the magic that radiates from this game is preserved, in both ways it is played with the heart and each stroke distills the same dreams. Therefore we can assure that tennis is not a sport for the rich, but rather for the passionate. In any case, at the end of the day we all pursue the same goal; to be happy and to be able to play with the same passion.


For many years there has been a kind of legend surrounding professional tennis players that places them as privileged, privileged and installed in a rhythm of life full of luxuries and favors. It is true that the theory affects a few, the top ten in the world, for example. Well, according to the protagonists themselves, this is a profession that does not pay as it should.


Are tennis players underpaid?

« Earning little is relative, those in the top100 earn a good living, » says Roberto Carballés, current world number 110. « The Grand Slams, which are the referent tournaments, should ensure a fixed money to the players so that they can then afford the whole year and that allows them to travel with a coach, for example. The percentage they give in the Grand Slams is very low, now they are giving 12% but it is 12% of previous years, because they are having more and more profits, » says the Tenerife native.


In relation to the data cited by Carballés, a veteran like David Marrero continues to pull the blanket. « Each Grand Slam has about 300 million dollars net in profits and we are paid 7%, a crap percentage if we take into account that we are the ones who generate it. We are really underpaid, » says the doubles player.


« I think we earn very little, a person who is 250 in the world should have a salary that at least comes out profitable at the end of the year and allows you to travel with a coach, without having to be aware of every penny, » adds Pedro Martinez, of the 1997 generation. « The prize money is very low and if you get injured then you can say goodbye, that’s when you stop earning money. I’ve tried to play some bigger tournaments this year, but don’t think I’m making much more money. The ATP and the ITF should rethink this dilemma and increase the prizes below », determines the Valencian.


Already away from the courts, but completely installed on the benches, Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo also joins the debate. « It’s a complicated question. Those at the top I think are well paid, although they complain, if it were up to me what I would do would be to raise the prizes at the bottom. People who play tennis very well and who have been fighting all their lives, a guy who is 200, is very poorly paid, » says the 41-year-old.


As you can see, they all converge in the same direction, whatever the status. « On the basis that there are different levels within the ranking, I think that currently the professional tennis player is not paid well enough if we take into account the sacrifice he makes, » says Marrero. « A player who is 500 and travels all over the world loses money in every way. A top 100 player who travels with his coach and physical trainer is not well paid either because sometimes he doesn’t have enough money to cover his expenses. Those at the top are better paid, but the final reward is not balanced, » adds the Canarian.


« The goal at the end of the year is still not to lose money, although I am 150 and I make sure I play the Grand Slams and some ATP qualifiers, that’s where I’m pulling from, » says Pedro, who this week is at his best professional ranking. « I try to do things right, always traveling with a coach and even someone else, but all that costs a lot of money. It can’t be that the 80th in the world closes the year with $300,000 insured and the one who is 110th earns $80,000. From one ranking to another there is not much difference, but the money is in the Grand Slams », he certifies.


In conclusion, we think tennis can be played by anyone that is really inspired and loves this sport, no matter what your economic status is, if you like it, do it!

Can we learn late tennis ? how ?


Can we learn late tennis ?

Tennis is one of the most followed and practiced sports around the world, every day there are more children who want to follow in the footsteps of great players like Rafa Nadal or Roger Federer and become the new number 1 of the ATP. But many parents doubt what is the best age to start playing tennis, either for fear of injury, to provoke bad experiences that make them not like it, etc..


But first of all, we have to explain that tennis has great benefits, both physical and psychological, very important for the personal growth of each boy or girl. Training on a regular basis improves physical condition, develops muscles, attention span, motor coordination and even promotes socialization.


As with most sports, there is no exact age to start tennis. Whether or not a child is ready for tennis lessons depends more on his or her skills, abilities and capabilities than on his or her age.


Many children at the age of 4 already show a fairly advanced motor coordination ability that allows them to start playing tennis, but it is necessary to keep in mind that their attention span is not yet well developed. At this age constant distractions turn tennis lessons into a mere game with rackets and balls.


In these classes, although they do not serve to perfect their technique, the little ones will become familiar with the material and with the basic ideas of the game. It is best for children to use rackets, nets and mini tennis balls that are adapted to their physical condition. In our blog we talked about tennis equipment for children, including foam balls and smaller nets.


Most experts say that the best age to start tennis in a more formal way is 5 or 6 years old. At this age, children have already developed their psychomotor skills, coordination and attention and are much better adapted to the demands of the game.


You may think that because you didn’t play tennis as a child or even as a teenager, it’s too late to start now. The truth is that you can start playing tennis at any age, and it’s great for your physical and mental health. Tennis is a sport you can play for a lifetime.


Whatever your age is,  you can start playing tennis now and it’s great for your health. You may be wondering where to start, what you’ll need and how to get started. Maybe you’ve always liked the idea of playing tennis, but you haven’t taken the plunge because you think you’re too ‘big’. However, one of the good news is that you can start whenever you like, taking into account your abilities.


Tennis has always been a sport accessible to all ages. The sport is known as the sport for life. Studies show that tennis is a great activity for staying fitter, living longer, being more social; and not to mention the fact that it’s FUN for all ages.


It’s great fun to play tennis, hit the ball, run from side to side of the court and even form friendships with opponents or people in your own group. If you are determined to start practicing, pay attention to these recommendations:


1) Proper Equipment.

You don’t need much to start playing tennis. You just need a racquet and gym clothes, including proper shoes. Any set of gym clothes will work for tennis, so you don’t need to spend a lot of money. However, tennis does require a fair amount of footwork, so you’ll want to make sure you have a decent pair of tennis shoes. Avoid running shoes, as they don’t provide the ankle support you’ll need for quick lateral movement.


2) A Good Tennis Instructor

Whether you start playing as a kid or in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or beyond, it’s always best to start with proper tennis instruction. You’ll want to develop good habits from day one because bad habits can be hard to change. You also don’t want to have to spend time going backwards to acquire the right techniques.


3) Use a Ball Machine

Once you know the basics of the forehand and backhand stroke, you’ll want to practice, practice, practice. A great way to improve your stroke is to rent a ball machine and simply practice returning balls. Listen to your instructor and use the ball machine to master what you learn.


4) Play Regularly

This is key to getting better at any sport or anything you want to do. Play regularly. Go to your tennis lessons and then play with a partner and practice every week. Your muscles need it for conditioning and muscle memory. Practice the skills you learn and you will improve week by week. A club is a great place to do this. While you’re at it, don’t forget to have fun!


5) The first steps on the court


After finding a place, it is best to familiarize yourself with the dimensions of the court. A tennis court seems to be relatively manageable until you stand on it yourself. If you are on a clay court, you should first read our instructions for court maintenance.


Now you can start your first training session. Ideally, you should warm up well before the start of each training session. In general, the second mistake most beginners make is to start playing without a warm-up program. In this way they accept an unnecessarily high risk of injury.


6) Find a training partner

If you’ve gained a little more experience in movement sequences, it’s time for a training partner. Look for like-minded people who are also interested in improving their tennis game. It’s important that you are on the same level of play.


There is no point in playing against a tournament player who shows you his strength. That would frustrate you too much and take the fun out of the game. On the other hand, your partner should not be too weak, otherwise you will not develop further.


Basically, with a play partner, completely new training possibilities arise for you. From now on, you can practice the remaining strokes, such as volleys or butterflies. You will also make your training more effective because you can pass the balls to each other. The bottom line is that you both benefit.


The ideal is to vary the different exercises. To train the forehand or backhand, you can for example organize a « cross duel ». More precisely, you stand diagonally opposite each other on the baseline and pass the balls to each other with the same stroke.


We recommend that you also play entire rallies for points, to awaken the idea of competition. You simply play better tennis if you want to win.


7) Consistency

In general, consistency is a decisive factor in tennis. Because without regular training, you will quickly unlearn the moves again. For success in tennis it is crucial that you get a certain rhythm in your game. In addition to training with a playing partner, you can also take coaching lessons.


A good tennis coach is characterized by the fact that he helps you perfect your technique. With his experience, he will analyze your stroke movements and give you the right feedback. This way, you learn from a professional what exactly you are doing wrong and how to correct these mistakes.


However, you should keep in mind that this service is not free. Of all tennis costs, coaching lessons are by far the most important. How much exactly does a coaching lesson cost? That depends mainly on the qualification of the coach. On average, a single lesson costs 30 euros.


For group training, the sum is of course divided among the players. As a rule, training in summer is cheaper, because in winter there are still expenses for the hall and electricity.


Tip: Usually tennis coaches offer trial lessons or trial courses. This gives you an idea of tennis training so that you can better decide which coach is right for you.


8) Set a goal

What do I want to accomplish in tennis? Where will I be or play in one, three or five years? These are questions you should definitely ask yourself. Sit down quietly one night and write down your tennis goals.


Don’t worry, you don’t have to become the next Rafael Nadal. There are also things that count, like having fun playing or playing on a certain team.


The main thing is that you have goals and that you think about them regularly. That gives you an extra boost of motivation in case things don’t go so well on the court.


Play Tennis at Any Age

There really is no age limit to playing tennis. You can start as a child or you can start later in life, and you’ll enjoy it just as much. Plus, the health benefits of playing tennis are unmatched. Use these tips to play tennis later in life or get started today. We know you’ll love it!

The diverses tennis surfaces on courts


The tennis courts surfaces

Before getting into the subject, let’s give you an extra detail, the measurements of a tennis court, a fact that seems unimportant and that almost none of us know. The dimensions of a tennis court are normally 23.78 meters long and 10.97 meters wide, with a space at the back equal to or greater than 3.65 meters (4 m in international tournaments) and a lateral space equal to or greater than 6.40 meters (8 m in international tournaments).


The tennis net is the key element of this sport, in addition to the tennis shoes of course, and must be at a height of 0.914 m. at the center and 1.07 m. at the posts that support it. To support itself, the tennis net has to be suspended by a metal cable with a diameter of 0.8 m. and covered by the famous white band that decides many points.


The posts on which the net is fixed must be located at a distance of 914 cm. from the doubles line, be no more than 15 cm. in diameter and no higher than 2.3 cm. above the net. The singles sticks, used only in this modality, have a diameter of 7.5 cm.


The issue of courts is very relevant, especially when we talk about tennis at the professional level. Each type of court affects precisely the speed and style of play of tennis players and certain techniques are better suited than others to each particular type of court.


This is the reason why the great figures of the ATP tend to specialize in a particular type of court, where they shine brightly and manage to exhibit their best game to the delight of the fans.


Thus, to cite an example, our beloved Rafael Nadal is nicknamed the king of clay. A well-deserved honor, since the Spanish giant of world tennis has built a reputation year after year of being unbeatable in prestigious clay court tournaments such as Roland Garros with no less than 12 titles in the popular Parisian tournament. He has managed to win more than 90% of the matches played on clay in tennis statistics, who can boast such a record?


Or let’s think of Roger Federer, another giant of the tennis world, who has dominated for years the grass courts around the world, to the terror of his opponents in mythical events such as Wimbledon. Let’s not forget either Novak Djokovic, who clearly dominates tournaments played on hard courts: a tough guy for a hard court.


In short, the type of court affects in multiple ways the response of the ball, its speed, the spin of the racquet and even the ability of the tennis player to move around the court. It is essential that the court and tennis player are one! A lack of harmony between the playing surface and the player does not usually bode well in terms of results.


So, for your next bet on tennis tournaments to have a better chance of success and be right in your tennis predictions, read on to understand the particularities of each tennis court. It is a question more important than it seems!


Now, let’s take a look at the list of tennis courts that can be found all over the world, and we will mainly find four basic surfaces on which to play:


It is necessary that every good tennis player is aware of the variety of surfaces on which this great sport is practiced and know how they are a determinant in their technique and style. There are 3 types of courts that are used in official tournaments: Grass, Clay and Cement, but we will also describe the Carpet. The main difference between them is the way the ball bounces, some bounce slow and others fast. This characteristic allows us to classify the courts in Slow and Fast:



In this type of court the ball gets more height at the moment of the bounce and its fall to the ground is slower, which allows the player to have more time to reach it and impact it, therefore the points played on this surface are longer. An example of slow courts are clay courts.



In this type of court the ball gets less height, the bounces are low and its fall to the ground is faster, which means that the player has less time to reach it and hit it. Therefore the points played on this surface are shorter. An example of a fast court is a grass court.



The grass court is the least used by tennis players even though it is the original surface of this sport, mainly because it is expensive and complicated to maintain: it needs a good water drainage for irrigation, it must be protected from insects and it is advisable to plant the type of grass suitable for the climate, it belongs to the Fast type classification: lower and irregular bounces.


How does it influence the game?

In this type of surface the ball bounces low, fast and irregularly, a feature that can cause failures in the player because the bounce tends to change directions and heights. The strategy in this case is based on the volley or air shot, a technique in which the bounce is avoided at all costs.



Clay or Clay Court

Being expensive and complex to take care of, the first alternative is the clay surface: which can be built with red clay and green clay. The red ones can be made with natural clay, beaten earth or powder made by grinding red brick, and the green clays with har-tru (American clay or rubico), a compound designed with stone, rubber and plastics.


These types of courts require constant maintenance but are still less expensive than grass courts. In clay courts it is necessary to replace the sand regularly to complete the missing material, watering with water and sweeping in order to flatten the surface and eliminate the remaining marks of the matches. It belongs to the Slow type of classification: higher bounces and slower falls.



How does it influence the game?

On this type of surface the ball bounces slowly, a characteristic that provides more time to move and skate on the ground. This quality allows the player to perform a better defense and numerous passes are made over the net, thus increasing the complexity of the game.



Cement or Hard Surface

The cement court is one of the most popular courts today because it is economical, requires less maintenance and is more adaptable to weather conditions. It is the most used by amateurs because it is commonly found in local tennis schools. It is durable since it is manufactured with Cement, Asphalt or Plastic and after being built, a sealer or paint is applied to achieve a smoother finish.



How does it affect the game?

This type of court is considered an intermediate level between fast and slow, which allows the use of different techniques and styles. They are usually faster than clay courts and slower than grass courts. Its hard surface allows the ball to bounce without irregularity guaranteeing a more successful match. The way the court is built influences the bounce: If more sand is used in the cement mix, the bounce will be slower, similar to what happens with clay surfaces. For this reason, nowadays they are built with plastic as it moderates the hardness and being soft the game becomes slower.




This surface made of synthetic material seeks to emulate the grass court, although it always varies in texture, thickness and mixture of materials. It is made of synthetic resin and its colors vary between blue or green. It is mainly used in rainy countries as it is not affected by constant humidity. As well as the grass surface, carpet is not very common and in 2009 the ATP banned its use in professional tournaments. They are very similar to Cement hard courts: A fast surface where the game becomes aggressive.



How does it influence the game?

Being very similar to hard surfaces, the game is very fast and aggressive. The bounces of the ball are low and fast, therefore the player moves quickly from one side of the opponent to the other and techniques such as drives, serves, flat backhands and volleys are implemented.


Although these are the three main types of tennis courts, they are not the only ones. Synthetic courts are also very common, although not in professional circuits. They are usually made of rubber and are generally used for indoor tennis courts. They are also very fast courts. Like the quick courts, a relatively young version made of porous concrete was excluded from the professional circuit. They are usually used for private use. There is also a last option made of wood, but its use is very marginal. Ultimately, and if you need advice about which court suits you best, you can always contact us.

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